Utah House delegation will soon have full voting power

In the closely divided U.S. House of Representatives, every vote matters By Frank Pignanelli & LaVarr Webb.

In the closely divided U.S. House of Representatives, every vote matters — especially during this tumultuous time when the House has been in chaos, while facing a long list of critical issues. The House has been short one vote — a Utah vote. But that vote will be available again after next Tuesday when 2nd Congressional District voters select a replacement for former Congressman Chris Stewart, who resigned in September. We take a look.

The contest in the 2nd District special election is between Democrat Kathleen Riebe and Republican Celeste Maloy. It is guaranteed that a woman will join Utah’s congressional delegation. Election data shows the Republican has an advantage. What are political insiders observing and conjecturing about this race?

Pignanelli: “Rural Americans are a special people. Their spirit of community inspires us all.” — Former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack


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