Want to stay cool in summer heat? It’s all about your mindset

Cool things happening in life and politics can help us stave off summer heat

By Frank Pignanelli & LaVarr Webb

The sweltering heat of summer is cooking us. So it’s time to cool off. Sometimes coolness is just a mindset. We stretched our feeble brains to come up with things in politics and life that we think are cool, hoping such thoughts will chill the temperature out there.

Pignanelli: I think it’s cool that Utah has not forgotten its important legacy and is the most welcoming of all states to refugees.

Webb: I think it’s cool that Congressman Chris Stewart is cutting short a successful political career to support his wife, who is suffering health challenges. He is setting a good example for all of us to prioritize what’s really important.

Pignanelli: I think it’s cool that 22 people filed to replace Congressman Chris Stewart. This is an encouraging sign of public engagement — an important element of democracy.

Webb: I think it’s cool that Sen. Mitt Romney is not pandering to the far right, despite facing likely challenges from strong conservatives if he seeks reelection. I have strongly disagreed with Romney on a number of key issues, but respect his integrity.

Pignanelli: I think it’s cool that a record number of Americans voted in the 2020 elections, despite an incumbent president raising fears of fraud and dampening enthusiasm. This is another refreshing sign of a healthy democracy.

Webb: I think it’s cool that congressional Republicans are demanding a more evenhanded Justice Department and FBI leadership. It’s quite clear that a double standard exists, especially in the gentle treatment of Hunter Biden and his overseas moneymaking schemes, using his father as leverage.  

Pignanelli: I think it’s cool that Gov. Spencer Cox owns his plea that Utahns pray for water. He was mocked and belittled by the national media and late-night comedians, but never apologized or retracted. Cox also proves that nothing quiets the critics like success. 

Webb: I think it’s cool that Utah seldom experiences massive weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, major flooding and devastating wildfires. We certainly do endure periodic extreme weather, and the earthquake “big one” could hit at any time. But we are fortunate to mostly avoid monster events that kill many people and destroy thousands of homes.

Pignanelli: I think it’s cool how several high-profile Republicans, of both genders and different races, are seeking the Republican nomination for the U.S. presidency. This is an important indicator of a strong democracy on many levels.

Webb: I think it’s cool that so many prominent and qualified Republicans are challenging Donald Trump for the GOP nomination. It shows that a Republican constituency exists that doesn’t support Trump, despite his large lead in the polls. It shows that Trump was unable to clear the field as he hoped to do.

Pignanelli: I think it’s cool that Salt Lake City is just so dang cool. There are great restaurants, bars and activities in unprecedented numbers and quality.

Webb: I think it’s cool that Utah remains the youngest state in the nation (sorry that I bring up the average). Children are greatly valued, even though we need to invest more in education. A vibrant, successful community features many children and young people who can find good jobs and start their own families.

Pignanelli: I think it’s cool how the Legislature has maintained its transparency, accountability and openness. Legislators are constantly criticized on many matters and issues. But they have not forgotten fundamental principles, and citizens can participate and influence the process. Equally important, the Legislature remains a citizen-based, part-time body, which promotes greater interaction.

Webb: I think it’s cool that we have a sensible U.S. Supreme Court that is reasserting traditional constitutional principles.

Pignanelli: I think it is cool how network and cable television in their commercials, programming, and news features send strong signals of inclusion and diversity. Through  acceptance of people of color, mixed race marriages, individuals of different religious preference, ethnic origin or sexual orientation, the entertainment industry has dramatically changed our national attitude. I am old enough to remember when it was a different demeanor, and those definitely were not the good old days.

Webb: I think it’s cool that the Utah Jazz are making exciting moves to make the team a contender right away.

Pignanelli: I think it’s cool BYU is joining the Big 12 Conference. I am a true and loyal Utah fan. But it’s always great when a fellow in-state school enjoys success.

Webb: I think it’s cool that summer is finally here. It was a long, snowy winter and a very cool, wet spring. Bring on the heat!

Pignanelli: I think it’s cool that the University of Utah athletics, men’s and women’s, have achieved such national prominence.

Webb: I think it’s cool that this column is almost done.

Pignanelli: I think it’s very cool that the Deseret News, with 173-year-old heritage of prominence in our state, allows a goofball like me to write for the distinguished periodical.

Webb: I think it’s cool that I’m really old, so I’m going to die before the federal government goes bankrupt and Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare collapse; before the AI Apocalypse occurs, before China invades Taiwan and WWIII ensues, and before everyone bakes and shrivels because of global warming. Good luck, you young ’uns! 


Making sense of the 2nd District special election race in Utah
